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Sunday, November 22, 2009

The 12th Interview that Never Happened

There was an article in the Worcester Telegram last Friday November 20) concerning the conclusion arrived at by a special committee appointed by the Worcester School Committee some months ago. This citizen's committee was charged with the responsibility of investigating the way school personnel are hired. This came about in the wake of an uproar last year after the hiring of Superintendent Caradonio's secretary as a teacher for special education children. It was felt that she did not have the qualifications for the job.
Now this special committee after some investigation gives the Human relations Department of the Worcester School Department compliments and after interviewing 11 PEOPLE(!) THE GRADE GIVEN WAS AN "A"! I would have to interpret this to mean that the hiring practices are excellent....Bob Bogigian, who was my boss for a time at the Worcester Adult Learning Center, is quoted in the article as saying,"...sometimes we slip, but it was corrected."
SOMETIMES WE SLIP, INDEED!! In my case as an ESOL Level 4 teacher at the Worcester Adult Learning Center until I quit under duress in the summer of 2007, I should have been the 12th interviewee of that commmittee and they would have received an earful from me. I will not relate my story here except to ask this question: DID THIS COMMITTEE MAKE ANY INDEPENDENT EFFORT TO LOCATE PEOPLE ON THEIR OWN WHO MIGHT COUNTERBALANCE THAT "A" GRADE?

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