Improving Writing Skills for ESL Students
My experience as an ESL teacher has taught me that students learn to SPEAK English well long before they learn to WRITE it well. In other words, there is a lag between good speaking and good writing. Why is this? The reason, of course, is a person can avoid writing in a language for a long time, but unless you hide away in a room somewhere, it is impossible not to have to SPEAK the language. We have an expression which every American knows: "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT." In other words, the more you speak, the better your English becomes. I know that Patricia, my brilliant Phd scientist student whom I finished tutoring the beginning of August will continue to improve her ability to speak English as she gradually becomes more immersed in American culture. However, I would suspect that the gap between speaking English well and writing English well will widen because she is much too busy at the moment doing important scientific research.
Then there is "Lakale". That is not her real name. Lakale was a student of mine three years ago and has been writing posts on my blog from time to time ever since. She was a medical doctor in her own country. In the United States she teaches her native language and does important community work. Lakale writes when she feels like it, and there is no pressure on her as there would be if she were a college student.
There is no sense of urgency for Patricia or Lakale to improve their writing skills immediately. Patricia's science work will go on tomorrow just as it did today. Lakale's teaching and community work will do the same. But what if you are an international student here in North America and writing in English is absolutely essential NOW. In this case there is a real sense of urgency! WHAT ADVICE CAN I GIVE?
This is difficult without knowing the student and the individual circumstances. One solution might be to take a course at a local college such as Quinsigamond Community College. I believe they do offer a writing course that meets 14 times and costs about $400.00. Clark University might have something similar, but the cost would be higher. However, under no circumstances would I suggest you take any writing course unless your GRAMMAR SKILLS ARE EXCELLENT. There are many grammar tests you can take on "Google" or you can take my unofficial grammar quiz. (I don't know where it is right now, but I will find it. I will tell you where to find it. If you want to, you can take the quiz, send it to my e-mail address: and I will send you back your score.
I have not said all there is to say about improving writing skills. In another post I will talk about BRAINSTORMING, PARAGRAPHING, WRITING FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES, THE FIVE PARAGRAPH STANDARD, etc. etc........Stay tuned.......Bye for now. Any questions? Write to me at my e-mail:
P.S. I found my grammar test. It is called MR. LEO'S GRAMMAR CHALLENGE. I posted it on Saturday, March 22, 2008. You can find it by following these steps:
l. Scroll down the right side of my blog and click on the word "ARCHIVES"
2. Go to March 22, 2008----You will find "MR. LEO'S GRAMMAR CHALLENGE
3. Follow the directions and send it to me as an e-mail attachment.
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