A tribute to Paul LeFebvre
I am writing this blog reluctantly. It must be written. The original report entitled "No Intelligence Failure" was a thirteen page speech written by one of our most distinguished members who passed away on Wednesday, February 3, 2011. His name was Paul LeFebvre and I have the thirteen page report that he used as his speech to the National Convention of Military Intelligence three years previously.
The story I want for this blog from Paul LeFebvre that demands to be told is the tale of what happened to him as a young CIA agent in Vietnam. He was undercover for the Eisenhower administration. The goal: Should the U.S. support the French in Dien Bien Phu? While there, Paul ran up against a Viet Cong person who had a rifle and a religious medal around his neck. The Viet Cong pointed the rifle at Paul and Paul said, "Dominus Vobiscum" which translates to "the Lord be with you." The rifle was lowered. Paul was put in a crate, and shipped in a C-47 to the United States.
The Lord be with you, Paul LeFebvre.
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