Welcome! This is a website for all of my students and former students who are learning English As A Second Language anywhere in the world!

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Story of Johnny and Mary

Johnny and Mary were a happily married couple except for one thing. Johnny liked to smoke smelly cigars! It wasn't the smelly cigars that made Mary unhappy; it was the fact that Johnny liked to light his cigars with twenty dollar bills! You see Johnny won $500,000 in the Massachusetts lottery a few years ago and fell into this habit since winning the money. Mary said, "Johnny, you have a problem everyday with floccinoccinihilipilification and you will never get over it I am afraid."
Johnny said, "Why are you using such big words with me? You know I don't have a dictionary."
Mary replied, " Oh, you know what to do. Use the blog."
Johnny replied, "Oh, that's right, I almost forgot."


Khadidja said...

Johnny has better to quit smoking, otherwise he will have a Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

Leo Coleman said...

I didn't know the "Lady of the Sahara" knew such big words! You also know it should be "HAD better quit...When are you coming back to the United States? Write a post and let me correct it for the adult conference which is next week.

Leo Coleman said...

Would you do me a big favor? I know that you remember your password because you are writing comments. i have asked Khadidja(you do not know her.) to write a story on the blog.) Could you write one also? Here are some suggestions to write about: El Mate, That festival on Fridays in Montevideo you told me about, your cotage industry that you formed in Uruguay, our work with the resume, your new job, your Spanish teaching, Your $8.00 Bargain!, Knitting with Plastic Bags, Making Boxes, My Daughter in California etc. etc.----You can make it as short or as long as you like. I would call you up but I lost your telephone number.

Leo Coleman said...

Couldn't you just please write a paragraph about what an Algerian rooster sounds like?